Friday 16 October 2015

Inspirational thoughts - My tryst with Rainbows

Rainbow in Mauritius: On the Highway

It was a warm sunny afternoon and I was driving through the city, soaking in the sunshine. Even though it was a beautiful day, my mind was occupied with the grave intensity of the situation I was currently confronted with:  a new place, new people, new language and no familiarity in sight. All that I knew, loved and was comfortable with seemed to have been left far far behind. How was I to go on? What would I go on with? Why was I doing this to myself? These questions seemed to go on relentlessly and my mind, given a so-called reason to be entangled, was happily obliging me with its usual games: This was a wrong decision! You are meant to be doing other things…..You are wasting your time….!!

Time…the irrefutable sovereign…who can be a friend and an enemy at the same time! How strange is its influence and how vulnerable we are to its prowl! Thinking of what I had left behind was overwhelming me to the point of feeling claustrophobic.

And then, suddenly, like a streak of light through the clouds, I realised I cannot possibly ever be alone in this vast universe! I am an indivisible part of the grand design; I just needed to wake up! And that’s what I did then, woke up from my reverie with a start and realised how easy it is for my mind to obscure my vision with its little games! No sooner did this realisation dawn than I raised my eyes and almost gasped at the sight…there was a resplendent rainbow arching across the entire horizon as though the universe just decided to reassure me that everything was just as it was meant to be.

The Universe does speak to us….every day in so many ways. Only when we take some time to quieten that chattering mind, we equip ourselves to hear that voice.

Since that day, I’ve had my share of trysts with rainbows and every time they leave me in a space of wonder and deep gratitude for all that I’ve been blessed with. Sharing a few of those moments.

Rainbow in Mauritius: On the Highway

Rainbow in Mauritius: House View

Rainbow in Mauritius: Mount Le Pouce

Do you also get enamoured by rainbows like I do? Do share; it would be interesting to know.



  1. Rainbows often remind me of d gud old childhood days when spotting one was as precious an experience as compared to spotting a celebrity.. Nevertheless rainbows certainly have some positive vibes...n m always delighted by the Sight of one...

    1. Totally agree..!! I remember feeling the same way too as a child..and yeah, somehow they always bring about some positivity.
      Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Nice to see this rainbow under such a nice weather. It reminds me of an illustrated book I read when I was a one of the stories, one kid set out alone to reach the end of the rainbow. Sometimes, I wonder why we adults do not remain like kids, fascinated by everything around us: moon, rainbow, sunset etc

    1. Couldn't have said it better!! I remember as a kid, I used to love drawing rainbows and the end of the rainbow always used to be quite intriguing..I believe if we can find our way back to the space of wonder that we experienced as kids then we would have truly reached somewhere worthwhile!!
