Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Mon Choisy Beach, Mauritius

Hi Guys,

Happy New Year!! Can’t believe its 2016…..!! Today, I decided to do a post on the Mon Choisy beach here in Mauritius. Sorry I have been missing for the last couple of weeks….but I’m back now and hoping to do more regular posts. On another note, I would like to know from you guys what kind of posts you enjoy more…your inputs will help me decide my choice of topics because obviously, I want to be focussing more on stuff that you guys would like to read. So do let me know in the comments below.

Last weekend, I visited one of my favourite beaches in Mauritius, Mon Choisy. It is located in the north western coast of the island and I believe, is the longest beach in Mauritius. Just like all other beaches in Mauritius, Mon Choisy is also characterised by its pristine, turquoise waters and white sand. There waves are very gentle and in general, like other Mauritian beaches, the sea is very calm here as well.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Inspirational thoughts - Create Space Within

Fact is we lead busy lives. These days we often find ourselves caught up in a race: a race for survival.  Under such circumstances, it is quite natural to get caught up in the humdrum of the gazillion things that require our attention every moment. At least, this happens to me at times.

However, what I have realised is that in spite of the million things that we need to take care of, in spite of how urgent they may be; it is equally important to take some time every day to create some space within: A space of rest, a space of rejuvenation, a space of silence. 

A space to relax, rest & rejuvinate in silence

I believe one can reach that space through meditation, through prayer, by simply doing something that one’s soul loves or by simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty that nature surrounds us with. Of course, there could be so many other means too.

Have you found your space yet? Do share your means.


Friday, 16 October 2015

Inspirational thoughts - My tryst with Rainbows

Rainbow in Mauritius: On the Highway

It was a warm sunny afternoon and I was driving through the city, soaking in the sunshine. Even though it was a beautiful day, my mind was occupied with the grave intensity of the situation I was currently confronted with:  a new place, new people, new language and no familiarity in sight. All that I knew, loved and was comfortable with seemed to have been left far far behind. How was I to go on? What would I go on with? Why was I doing this to myself? These questions seemed to go on relentlessly and my mind, given a so-called reason to be entangled, was happily obliging me with its usual games: This was a wrong decision! You are meant to be doing other things…..You are wasting your time….!!

Time…the irrefutable sovereign…who can be a friend and an enemy at the same time! How strange is its influence and how vulnerable we are to its prowl! Thinking of what I had left behind was overwhelming me to the point of feeling claustrophobic.