Wednesday 4 November 2015

The endless ocean makes me wonder…

The endless ocean often makes me wonder...

Endless Ocean Mauritius Travel

How vast is this Universe
The ocean, which is but a speck in creation, is itself so vast!! It encompasses so many millions of lives within it & hosts a multitude of species which makes me wonder about the vastness of the Universe; of so much that the eyes have not seen, of so many hidden gems of creation and of how tiny I am yet connected!

The flow of life
Just as all rivers finally make their way into the ocean, so also life flows towards the ultimate truth. We as human beings seek our destination in so many ways and blessed are those who find their ocean and flow towards it.

Endless Ocean Mauritius Travel

Nature is so powerful yet gentle..
The Ocean is so mighty yet so tender; so powerful yet so gentle. But do we human beings remain so when we achieve power or position? Something worth wondering about!

Coming home
Have you observed how you feel when you come home after a long day? Home seems so welcoming, warm and safe. I often feel the same as I stand in front of the ocean. It feels like coming home!

Eternal life
The endlessness of the ocean makes me wonder about the eternal nature of life. Just like the endlessness of the ocean, our journey is also endless; we appear, dissolve and reappear again. How amazing is creation!

Endless Ocean Mauritius Travel

Does the ocean speak to you? Do share.


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