Tuesday 10 November 2015

Let your dreams come true: It’s Your Dream; You gotta make it happen

Let your dreams come true

Has it ever happened to you that you had a brilliant idea, a dream that you wanted to make a reality? And then in all your excitement, you go over to your best friend or colleague or someone else to share this fantastic, incredible, extraordinary idea expecting them to cheer lead you all the way and all you get is an indifferent grunt or a shake of the head or a “Great” if you are lucky!

And then all that excitement turns cold and you are left feeling bewildered and a bit confused!! That is when the voices in your head start telling you that perhaps the idea was not that good, after all!

The Truth is: It’s Your Dream and You gotta make it happen. No one else is going to have the same passion, excitement or enthusiasm about the idea that originated from you! Only you can resonate with it, feel it and work for it.

If you have ever had an idea that kept you awake at night, a vision so strong that it reverberated through your whole being; but you kept it aside because “Other” people turned you down, then it’s time to get to work.

Ideas come from a source, the same source that is behind this Creation. Next time you have a dream, do all you can to make it happen trusting all the while that the Universe is supporting you whether anyone else does or not!

If you have had similar experiences, please do share…


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