Friday 4 December 2015

Embracing Change

Embracing change

Let’s face it…change is inevitable. Changes do occur in life; often at times when you least expect it. Embracing change is not always easy. How do you react when change happens?  I have witnessed two common reactions to change: resistance and fear. Some people try their best to resist change – to remain in the realm of the known; while others do go with the change but with an element of fear lingering in their minds.

In either case, change cannot be avoided; however, by resisting change or fearing change, we make it all the more difficult for ourselves to accept the change and move on.

I have personally gone through huge changes in my life and initially I used to have the same reactions. However, over the years, I have learnt that embracing change can be quite an interesting and uplifting experience. Whenever I have mindfully agreed to accept the change in its totality and move on with it, it has opened me up to new and unimaginable experiences that have led to significant growth.

It is each person’s prerogative to have a plan for their lives. However, often times, things don’t really go as per that plan. Under those circumstances, it is important to trust that there is a higher power that always supports us as long as we maintain the faith and remain strong within.

For me, the more I feel connected to my inner self, to the Universe, the more I am at peace and when one is peaceful, change can be easily embraced with the unshakeable faith that everything is just the way it is meant to be.

If you ask me what then is the way to embrace unforeseen change; my answer will now be that the best way is to mindfully agree to be with the change and keep reminding yourself that things will work out perfectly in the end.  

What is your experience of dealing with change? Do share in the comments below.


P.S. As you can see, I have used a beautiful water colour graphic on my header image and it is from Thanks Crystal!! This is a beautiful website with lots of inspiration. Do check it out!! 


  1. I love what you made. Thanks for the link back and your kind words.
