Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Mon Choisy Beach, Mauritius

Hi Guys,

Happy New Year!! Can’t believe its 2016…..!! Today, I decided to do a post on the Mon Choisy beach here in Mauritius. Sorry I have been missing for the last couple of weeks….but I’m back now and hoping to do more regular posts. On another note, I would like to know from you guys what kind of posts you enjoy more…your inputs will help me decide my choice of topics because obviously, I want to be focussing more on stuff that you guys would like to read. So do let me know in the comments below.

Last weekend, I visited one of my favourite beaches in Mauritius, Mon Choisy. It is located in the north western coast of the island and I believe, is the longest beach in Mauritius. Just like all other beaches in Mauritius, Mon Choisy is also characterised by its pristine, turquoise waters and white sand. There waves are very gentle and in general, like other Mauritian beaches, the sea is very calm here as well.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Inspirational thoughts - The Secret Sunset Point

Okay, so nothing fixes a bad day as well as a sunset does! ! I mean however rough, tiring, stressful or hectic the day has been, how can the spirit not be lifted if you just happen to witness the magnanimity of a sunset?

On the other hand, if the day has been good already, I believe witnessing a magnificent sunset just adds that extra magical touch.

For me, the sunset signifies a lot of things:

  • A moment to let go of the past; of whatever has happened already
  • A moment to appreciate the magnanimity of the sun: of its relentless energy
  • A moment to connect with nature: realising we are part of the grand design and reposing in the contentment that this very thought brings
  • A moment to appreciate the grand painting that adorns the sky
  • A moment to relax completely, breathe deeply and believe that just like the sun will be up again tomorrow, so also everything is going to be alright ultimately.

Recently, while driving randomly along the northern coast of Mauritius, the hubby and I discovered this almost unexplored dirt road leading to a tiny island just off the coast. It’s so near that under low tides, you can walk over to it. And it was there that we experienced the most incredible sunset that blew my mind away!

Even though the pictures do not really do it justice, I do hope you can still get the idea.

Sunset at the Northern Coast of Mauritius from a Secret Island