Thursday, 17 December 2015

2015: Life Lessons

2015 Life Lessons

Phew…what a year 2015 has been! Looking back, this year has taught me many important life lessons which I shall be carrying with me for the rest of my life. As the year is about to draw to a close, I thought I will share some of the life lessons I learnt and hopefully they will be useful to some of you as well. Here goes (in no particular order)…

Trust Your Self
This year I learnt the true significance of trusting my Self. There were times when I had to rely solely on my intuition for making important decisions and thankfully, I have not regretted any of them. I learnt that no matter how well surrounded we are, there will be decisions that one needs to make alone and during those times, it is important to rely on one’s intuition and just trust one Self.

Move On!
There comes times in pretty much everyone’s lives when problems seem insurmountable but guess what, there are some that cannot really be solved. Maybe those are just not in our control. This year I learnt that problems or no problems; just keep moving on. As I practised this more and more, problems either sorted themselves out or I found some solutions cropping up!

I am responsible for my own Happiness
The truth is I am responsible for my own happiness. Nothing out there can really change the state of my mind. Happiness is within me and it is my responsibility to connect with it. It is easy to complain and grumble but if we really want to be light and joyful from within, then looking into One Self is the only way.

Do stuff that scares you!
Yes, you got that right! Do at least something that you are afraid of. This year, I got adventurous and did a few things that generally scare me; on of them being climbing a mountain. I am generally afraid of heights but once I challenged myself and did it, the tremendous sense of freedom that followed was indescribable!

It is the Journey that counts
Whatever life brings, it is important to note that it is the journey that counts. Yes, we all have goals but in the process of achieving those goals, it is important to enjoy the journey and the little moments that make things interesting. I used to be a workaholic, always focussed on results and outcomes, but this year has taught me to take things easy and enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Hope you could relate to some of these lessons and if you found it interesting, please feel free to comment and share.


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